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Black Girls Vote: Changing the World Through Advocacy - GivePulse Blog

Written by GivePulse Team | Jan 19, 2022 1:39:00 PM

Today, we are spotlighting the North Carolina Agriculture and Technology Institute’s Black Girls Vote chapter. Rhyann and Olivia, president and event coordinator of the Black Girls Vote Chapter at North Carolina A & T University, spoke to us about their campus and organization. We even learned more about what events they hosted, the impact of Black Girls Vote, and their advocacy programs.

Find out how you can get involved and support upcoming events through Black Girls Vote here.

Black Girls Vote is a non-partisan, non-profit organization founded by Nykidra “Nyki” Robinson. The organization was established on Shirley Chisholm’s birthday, November 30, 2015, as the first black woman elected to Congress in 1968.

The meaning is to highlight Shirley Chisholm’s mission. As she sought to bring about change through advocacy, outreach, and building through strength in numbers. 

Mission Statement

“We aim to engage, educate and empower Black women and girls. Black Girls Vote is dedicated to using our collective voice to transform areas where bias has the most profound impact on our lives.”

Additionally, North Carolina A&T Chapter also includes fantastic resources outside voter advocacy and awareness. These include financial literacy programs, women’s health education programs, and how to navigate your way through university life.

North Carolina A&T group members

About the North Carolina A&T Black Girls Vote Leaders

Olivia became aware of the organization in 2020 and applied to be the group historian intern. Through this, she went through the application and interview process and eventually got the position. Since then, she has continued to move up within the organization through leadership positions and is currently the event coordinator.

As the event coordinator, she has helped coordinate many super successful events. She has brought in speakers, such as local politicians, to speak with members about the importance of engaging in the political process. 

Rhyann became president of the Black Girls Vote chapter at A&T in the 2020-2021 school year. She was elected president again this school year. Since being president, she has brought her inspiring personality and unique ideas to the forefront to help her chapter flourish. 

History of North Carolina A&T University

Historically, North Carolina A&T University was the victim of severe gerrymandering. Which forced some students and residents to vote in one area of Greensboro, miles away from where they live. Leaving the other half of the population to vote right down the street.

Gerrymandering Defined: to manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) to favor one party or class.

As a result, politics has been a significant topic on campus, specifically raising voter awareness.

North Carolina A & T University is located in Greensboro, North Carolina. Where the famous Greensboro sit-in took place between February 1960 and July 1960. Because of the national attention the sit-in received for nonviolent protesting, it is often seen taught in schools to this day.

Black Girls Vote members advocating for voting rights on campus

BGV Leaders Favorite Events

Rhyann had two favorite events. An event they held for Black History Month was the first. The university archive specialist spoke to the group members about the history of the university. And additionally, the inherently political nature being located in Greensboro, North Carolina, and as a historically Black university. Through this event, the archive specialist shared a lot about the history of North Carolina A&T.

Founded in 1891, as an all men’s university, this would later change in 1928. Women allowed to attend could only focus on topics such as cooking, home-making, sewing, etc. Later on, the first Black woman to graduate with a degree outside homemaking, majored in journalism and started their university newspaper, The A&T Register.

Rhyann’s other favorite event was the Black Girls Vote National Ball, held in Baltimore, Maryland. This ball invited chapter leaders, Black political and thought leaders to attend. Rhyann said that

“It was amazing to be surrounded by Black excellence and impressive public figures who are also dedicated to the mission of Black Girls Vote.”

– Rhyann

Olivia’s favorite event was the Women’s Wellness Event, where they collaborated with several different organizations to donate to breast cancer awareness. The event started with a Zumba workout and ended in honoring the lives of those who have passed due to breast cancer. In addition, several speakers talked about the importance of maintaining good physical and mental health and giving ways to do that. Olivia said that

“The Women’s Wellness Event had such a great impact on me, and helped me realize that I need to honor my health, and to take it more seriously.”

– Olivia

Notable Highlights

We couldn’t end this spotlight right there! This chapter of BGV is doing some great things to help college students get more involved in the political process through advocacy and education, helping students vote in their local, state, and national elections. Last year, they registered over 300 students to vote on campus and even held their own walk to the polls.

During their walk to the polls event, they had a DJ playing music the whole way, a food truck, and even helped encourage people to get out and vote by hosting a “Drip Challenge” where individuals would post pictures of the outfit they were wearing to go vote. 

Black Girls Vote members delivering food to their local free fridge and pantry

Get Involved

First General Body Meeting

Black Girls Vote is reaching out to Greensboro senators and congress members to speak at the first general body meeting, set for February 2nd of 2022. This meeting will center around Black women and politics, and honor everything they have done for our political system. In addition, there will be a Q and A. When talking about this event, Olivia said,

“We are helping bring change in the Black and Brown community through powerful Black women and strong Black voices. To honor and highlight all political leaders who have made an impact, because our Black history is important in so many ways, and many things we have now wouldn’t have been possible without them.” 

– Olivia

Interested in supporting BGV advocacy efforts? Reach out to Rhyann to see how you can become a member.

Chipotle Fundraiser

Black Girls Vote North Carolina A&T, is partnering with their local Chipotle on Valentine’s Day for a fundraiser. This fundraiser is open to the public, so head over to 1420 Westover Ter Ste A, Greensboro, NC, 27408, and treat yourself to a burrito and help support Black Girls Vote.

How to Give Back and Support Black Girls Vote

As a nonprofit organization, Black Girls Vote relies heavily on donations they receive throughout the year. Help them continue doing this amazing work by donating directly through their Paypal.

Public Events

Black Girls Vote hosts many public events you can attend, such as their game, movie, bowling nights, and even their Women’s Wellness classes hosted at Planned Parenthood.

If you have any questions about how to get involved, you can contact their chapter directly via Instagram @ncat_BGV or e-mail Rhyann at

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Black Girls Vote.  We hope you found their programs to support voting advocacy and education inspiring!

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