Students civically engaged at a campus event

The Civic Action Scorecard

Students canvassing encouraging community members to register to vote

What is the Civic Action Scorecard?

The Civic Action Scorecard, developed by the Institute for Civic Engagement & Democracy (iCED) at Miami Dade College, promotes students' civic learning and engagement with 100+ civic actions across five categories: democratic engagement, environment & sustainability, community well-being, arts & culture, and social innovation.

Civically Engaged Students walking on campus to their next serice-learning opportunity

Goal of the Scorecard

The goal of the Scorecard is to provide experiences that intentionally prepare students to be informed and engaged participants in their community's civic and democratic life. It builds a student's civic knowledge, skills, and capacity to be impactful citizens.

Students learning about the Civic Action Scorecard

Using GivePulse for the Civic Action Scorecard

Leveraging the GivePulse platform, create a unique subgroup to host each category and associated actions with designated point values. Allow students and administrators to automatically track and view progress toward goals, and award badges based on progress. 

About the Civic Action Scorecard

Use Cases

  • Blue star

    Provides an introduction to life-long civic engagement by encouraging and motivating students to become engaged citizens via the point & award system. The Scorecard can be completed by anyone from students, non-students, citizens, non-citizens, the civically experienced or inexperienced. 

  • Green location dot

    Automated Scorecard point tracking system with GivePulse with the ability to assign specific actions to a designated point value and embed actions as course assignments and activities.

  • orange infinity sign

    The Scorecard provides a starting point for institutions looking to adopt the program at their institution. The Scorecard is flexible and adaptable to an institution's unique needs and requirements and assign actions as a complement to academic service-learning courses.

  • Red

    Includes actions that can be completed virtually, in person, from home, on campus, or in the community. The Civic Action Scorecard has an ADA-compliant version available as well. 


Additional Resources

Civic Action Scorecard Overview

Take Action. Score Points. Earn Awards. Learn more about the Civic Action Scorecard in a short video overview.


The Civic Action Scorecard

Download the Civic Action Scorecard developed by the Institute for Civic Engagement & Democracy at Miami Dade College.


Scorecard Planning Guide

Download the Civic Action Scorecard planning guide to review 100+ civic actions and highlight the actions you want to complete.


Civic Action Scorecard in Practice

"The Civic Action Scorecard: An Innovative, Easy-To-Replicate Tool To Help Students Become More Informed And Engaged Citizens."
