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People out and about cleaning up the neighborhood
People out and about cleaning up the neighborhood

Cities & Municipalities

Turn care into action with a hub to coordinate community giving, volunteering initiatives, civic engagement and city-wide campaigns.

tools for success

Our Services

  • Solution 1

    Volunteer Management

    Manage, track, communicate, and schedule one-time, project based and ongoing volunteers in a database scaled to fit the needs of whole organization, departments, programs and initiatives.

  • Solution 2


    Curate organizations and nonprofits related to critical initiatives important to your city and mobilize community members to donate and turn care into action — all with the industry's lowest transaction fees.

  • Solution 3

    Employee Giving & Engagement

    Activate employees and staff to volunteer, donate and give their time, talent and treasure to nonprofit organizations and community initiatives. 

  • Solution 4

    Organization and Program Management

    Manage administrative groups, affinities, programs and membership cohorts to build community, streamline communication, tracking and storytelling.

  • Solution 5
    Emergency & Crisis Management

    Organize in advance action plans, and when needed, activate the plan to engage CERT, recruit, match, manage and track all activities (fundraising, donation drives to volunteer efforts) related to shelters, warming centers, vaccination centers, distribution centers etc., 

  • Solution 6
    Community Engagement

    Increase outreach, communication and engagement all while empowering communities to set up community events with surveying capabilities, registration, scheduling, and tracking. 

everything you need

Why Choose Us?

All-in-One Platform

List, manage and track all events, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities in one single database.

Dedicated Support Team

650,000+ Strong and Growing

Free To Start

Woman sitting behind a computer looking at the camera smiling

Our Clients

Our clients include universities and colleges, K-12 schools, nonprofits, businesses, cities and municipalities and much more...

Benedictine College logo
Crayons to Computers logo
John Carroll University logo
Lifetime logo
Mile High United Way logo
Ogden Utah logo
Ohio University logo
Pease Park Conservancy logo
Pikes Peak United Way logo
Portland Community College logo
Second Harvest Food Bank logo
St. Edward's University logo
UMass Dartmouth logo
University of Georgia logo
Volunteer Odyssey logo
Austin Animal Center logo
Food Bank of Northeast Georgia logo
Wagner College logo
The Citadel logo
Cornell University logo
Keep Austin Fed logo
Benedictine College logo
Crayons to Computers logo
John Carroll University logo
Lifetime logo
Mile High United Way logo
Ogden Utah logo
Ohio University logo
Pease Park Conservancy logo
Pikes Peak United Way logo
Portland Community College logo
Second Harvest Food Bank logo
St. Edward's University logo
UMass Dartmouth logo
University of Georgia logo
Volunteer Odyssey logo
Austin Animal Center logo
Food Bank of Northeast Georgia logo
Wagner College logo
The Citadel logo
Cornell University logo
Keep Austin Fed logo
The commitment to public service shared by the GivePulse team made it easy to build trust and develop a great campaign for our City. These are the folks to work with if you want to make an impact in your community.
Kimberly Caldwell

City of Austin

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Connect with one of our sales professionals to learn how GivePulse can be customized to meet your needs.